Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's been far to long...

Good Morning my dear, and precious 8 faithful (or not so faithful) readers of mine. i have been quite busy for sometime with work, and the whole being as big as a beached whale for 9 months. (: but I am back and I kind of like it. I've been trying for the last couple of days to write about something insightful and hilarious but I just keep coming back to my babies and realizing I've got nothing funny until the youngest learns to talk. So instead I guess I'll let you all in on my life as of late.

These are my puppies. they aren't this small anymore, they weigh about 20 some pounds possibly a little bigger, but they are my lap dogs, haha. They are German Shepard, Pit Bull, Chiuaua mix, yes, I said. Mom was the G.S., P.B., and dad was the little annoying yelper, have that image in your head when you lay down to sleep. They are two very good puppies, for the most part, and even for all of their anatics that get them in trouble nothing could make me love them less, especially when they curl up in my lap to nap. Sam (the black and white one) is my buddy. He's cuddly, fluffy and the biggest goof (ball)puppy around. Hunter is the protector, the slightest noise has him at attention, and on his toes. With these two around I feel like I could sleep at night.

This is my addition to this crazy world. Born January 6th, at 12:56 pm, weighing in at a grand total of 8 lbs 6.6 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long. This is Patrick James, his name comes from Patrick's late dad (he passed back in May only a month before the anniversary of his mom's death), and my daddy. This little boy, I would give my life for if it came down to it. He has become my world and I wouldn't want that any other way. Since the first day he was here he tried to hold his head up, and he pushes away with his legs. He's a smart little feller. When he smiles at me, my heart melts and I would give him everything he wants (if he could ask for it). I think my favorite is when he just wants lay on my chest and sleep or when he's in my arms and just studying my face like it's a painting. I think I'm kind of partial to him. :P

But seriously now, I ended up with the flu (or some version of it) on Monday, half way through me getting over it, the baby end up getting it. Now that I am over and the baby is doing better, Big Patrick has it. As the they say, "the family that stays together gets sick together..." or something like that, lol.

Have a warm and healthy day!!

5 Songs stuck in my head:
Unskinny Bop- Poison
The Right Stuff- New Kids on the Block
Live & Let Die- Guns and Roses
Yesterday- The Beatles or Boys II Men (choose one)
Mary Jane's Last Dance- Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers.

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