I must say that I have been overly emotional lately, don't know if it's because of the time of month or if it is because I have finally found people (my age) that I can connect to on a more personal level, a level that not many people find now a days, private is private, yet I feel that if more women, people in general really, spoke up about their grieving process of a loss of child, spouse, parent, or anyone else close to them, we would have a very nicely spun web of trust and comfort. I have decided once you start talking about your grievances, people start climbing out of the wood work to say a kind word, or to tell you they have been there, or even to let you know that you are in their thoughts and prayers. It doesn't really matter who it is, I have found some dear friends lately and I have never had the chance to meet every one of you (with the exception of Jaime) yet you have all tried to give me some form of strength, a word of a hope if you will.
And now to the individual thank you's!
-Anna- I have just recently started reading your blog and I hope the kind words have touched you in some way, and I hope they help you through your process. I do thank you for saying what you have because though it made me cry, it has hit home a great point.
-Trinity- You have had many encouraging yet ridiculous comments but all the same they have brightened my day.
-Meatbag- Thank you for the extra smiles a day
-Jaime (or JES)- well pretty much thanks for being my best friend.
-Charmed- what would I do without your Friday Football Hotties! Thanks for the many posts about Scrubs and making me giggle a little bit everyday.
And the Academy Award goes to..... well, this ain't the Oscars but hopefully soon I can get a really cool badge up so that I can give it to you all.
So, for tonight, take care, and always remember you have a shoulder to cry on if you need it.
Here's the badge that I have made!

So steal it and put it on your page! You guys are awesome!
Aw! Thank you so much Miss Lizz! I have already posted and mine is defiantly being shown off. :)